So here we are, one in England for Dobbies wedding the other wandering the streets of Warsaw. I really like the old town of Warsaw, small and compact but full of character, brightly coloured buildings and cobbled streets. Determined to make use of the beautiful sunshine I find myself strolling for hours until I become just too tired.
I’m still not 100% after the food poisoning, barely eating, barely keeping things down but am getting there. After the mission that was doing 2 loads of washing finding only one of two Laundromats in Warsaw after 2 buses and a tram I had the rest of the afternoon so wandered through the parks. Its sometimes really nice just stopping and taking things in, looking around, watching others and doing a little thinking and a lot of smiling. I stop and realise again how lucky I am getting to do such great things in my life with people I really care about.
I had a straightforward trip back to UK for the wedding. Really good to catch up with the old uni housemates as always and yet again, it took a wedding to bring us all together. That being said, half of us are now married so only 3 more weddings to go. Who’s next?...
The plan is to head up to the Misurian lakes north of Poland, for some fishing, kayaking and relaxing in the numerous lakes.
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