Summer bike jumps - Whistler
Granville Island
Sunset from our new home - looking over to Vancouver
Bike riding through Stanley Park
So what did our first 10 days in BC consist of? A little but of rain, a little bit of sun, a few different couches, a hire car, a new apartment, a new job and endless hours in front of the laptop looking for accommodation and jobs for the next 6 months.
Basically we spent the first night in a hostel in downtown Vancouver and then the next 4 nights on a great couchsurf with Greg followed by 3 nights on Ryan's couch and then 2 days with Claudia and Alan in Whistler before getting the keys to our 2 month mini lease on an apartment on North Vancouver from Stephen.
During the days we have been chasing our tails a little getting social insurance numbers, a Canadian mobile, our bank accounts and then there were a few job interviews, a weekend looking for accommodation and work in Whistler for the ski season and a few nice afternoons doing the sights in the city.
Lee starts work at STX Marine tomorrow so it's back to being the new boy again and Lisa has arranged a few days hiking with Greg making the most of the last few sunny days before the Vancouver rains start to fall and work begins. We had heard of the rain in Vancouver a little before we came over but now we are here it seems that it really is a "rainy season" for a month once it starts. Oh well, we have our nice new golf umbrella and decent waterproofs so it shouldn't stop us getting to work or getting out and about.