Wednesday 8 September 2010

The list of summer thank yous

Lee’s Mum Marie for Tom Tom contribution, shower, personalised pillow bases, BBQ, washing line and general bits and bobs

Lisa’s Mum Margaret for solar charger and contribution to Tom Tom

Matt for the spork and loan of his climbing DVD’s which were great on those raining afternoons and our 2nd shower (but thanked him and told him one was sufficient)

Perky for our on the road treats, the cake didn’t even make it into the van

Andrew, Sarah and Ethan for allowing us to cook, our stove/grill and ideas on camping venues with the cool camping book, borrowing his lonely planet books, exciting us with the Europe’s highest point books

Luke for the non slip mat

Steve and Nicky for the portable speakers – for allowing us to disturb the peace

Tom for the heater which will be installed one day

Graham for the awesome bike rack

Matt for the Mule bars and gear, Mr apple strudel is appearing around the world

Les Francais pour les desins et un cote personelle dans le camions. Herbes, patches, salt, crystal, jam, recipes

Simon for the loan of the power tools without which the bulkhead would still be in place and the sunroof still in the attic

Veronica – for the crystals to maintain harmony in the van

Russ and Ad for remote assistance in breakdown number 1

Rich and Rach for the emergency whistle and compass which took us west instead of east

Nicole for spending part of her Europe holidays over with us, providing us with new topics for conversation, new music and loads of fun.

Everyone else for contributions not mentioned in the above, this was complied while drinking a bottle of wine so please excuse potential errors/ forgotten items

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