First time skiing together - Whistler
Our housemates Tim and Pepi
Having fun with the childrens balancing pole
21st Nov 2010
First day hitting the slopes together. It was so cold -20 that my feet froze and I was really close to tears as we warmed them back inside the round house food stop. Feels good to be on my own skis and wearing my own boots, no more hiring for me. Only 9 runs open for now but no bother as I'm still re learning how to ski again, beginner woes. Hope to get out there more before I start working, waiting for temps to warm up a bit. Yesterday it was -20 in the village and colder on the mountain, so I left it to the die hard skiers and snowboarders to head out, I figure I've got all season to get out there. Even managed to go ice skating, not Lee's favourite sport it seems ;-) I'm still hunting for another part time job, but when your competing against 350 people for 20 jobs its not proving to be easy, still have to continue trying....... Lee is still living in Vancouver and up on the weekends to play in the snow.
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